This is sort of an update. A verbal diarrhea of the past few weeks. The good, the bad and the ugly. Mostly the ugly.
Summer school is about half over for my daughter. She's doing very well in her math class and this has put her right back on target for next fall. Oh, that would be if she had a place to go to next fall. So far, she does not. Plus, the school she attended previously promised at her IEP meeting to pay for summer school and are now refusing to pay. I could make all sorts of comments, but the reality of the situation is, Ann Walker, the head of special education at her school is a lying bitch. I wish I could say otherwise, but I can't.
My son continues to do nothing but lay on the sofa and watch mindless TV, play videogames with his friends, and eat approximately every 45 minutes. He sleeps most of the day, stays up most of the night, and consequently is grumpy, obnoxious, and louder than freight trains. He has been grounded twice already for minor infractions like telling me to F-off about 300 times and calling me a bitch. Oh yes, he's a pleasure to be around.
The house looks like a cyclone has gone through it. There are pairs of flipflops all over the place, as my daughter has no concept of 'away'. Bottles of nail polish adorn every table top. You never know when you might need an emergency manicure, you know! She hasn't put her hair straightener away once, and I finally got ticked and hid it in my closet. She asked me if I had taken it because she hadn't put it away and when I said "yes" she went upstairs, took it out of my closet and continues to leave it out. Again, no concept of 'away'.
The dishes have been unwashed or partially washed for weeks.
I can get them to wash 'their' dishes, but not the others dishes. And nobody, but nobody will wash out the recycling jars or cans, leaving them in a line on the side of the sink.
If they cook, which they both do, they don't wipe down the counters or the stovetop and leave the detrius laying around.
The Girl just cleaned up the kitchen because she wants to go out and there is no chance without a cleaner kitchen. Let's go and see how she did, shall we? Oh my... so many things to comment on.
There is the pile of dishes that didn't make it into the dishwasher. There is the counter, where there sits the dirty lid of a pasta sauce jar. There is the pile of dishes on the toaster. There's a big pile of dishes in the rack waiting to be dried and put away. Remember, no concept of 'away'. There is the pile of cookie sheets behind the faucet and the jar of pasta sauce sitting on the side of the sink. The sink is filthy because she will not use comet because she doesn't like the smell. Sigh. Anyhow...
The Boy made a deal with our family partner (part of DMH services) that if he kept all dishes out of his room for 6 weeks, she would pay him $50. He needs a 90% compliance rate. So far.... not so great. Better than usual, as we have dishes and silverware we can eat with now, but still not great. For example, in the middle of this paragraph he started marching upstairs with a big bowl of pasta. I told him to eat it down here, and of course I was being unreasonable and a bitch because, and this is a direct quote, "There's nothing to DO down here." Since when do meals come with entertainment.
Their rooms... well, let's just pretend that their rooms are off limits. Because the mounds of laundry, the piles of crap, and the bags of garbage that they haven't yet dragged downstairs are really frightening. I'll shut the door so you can't see.
The Boy's room.
The Girl's Room
Both kids have been to the dentist where they have had their teeth cleaned. They both remain cavity free despite the massive amounts of sugar they eat. They have not yet had their required cardiology appointments because their pediatrician has a voicemail from hell which no longer provides human contact.
Not everything is difficult. Last weekend we hit the beach which was a really great day, and tomorrow we're going to see the sandcastle competition at another beach. We've had some nice dinners, we've played a lot of games, we've worked in the garden, and we've getting along pretty darn well considering.
So, how's your summer going?
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