Rowan at 07:00 AM in Blogging, Rowan | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Rowan at 02:37 PM in Parenting, Rowan | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
My daughter and I decided to attempt round two of clothes shopping for a teenaged girl, also known as the "Mooommmm, WHY" Wars. Let's just say I won the war, but Leah did not go gently. Our mission was to procure shorts and possibly a pair of capris.
Rowan at 07:00 AM in fashion, Rowan, Tearing My Hair Out | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I guess I can't blame her, because I was (am? when is this post due again?) the same way, but Leah's procrastination in going to give me (more) grey hair before this school year is done. She was up until almost 11:00 pm the other night, finishing a science project. A project she had known about for weeks, and the rough draft was already written and corrected! It didn't help that she managed to somehow turn off her internet access on her computer, so that took about a half an hour of trouble-shooting, which meant of course she couldn't be working during that time.
Rowan at 06:00 PM in Never a Dull Moment, Parenting, Rowan, Tearing My Hair Out | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Rowan at 06:00 AM in Never a Dull Moment, Rowan, Teens | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Leah was home sick today. This was her first sick day this school year, she's usually a pretty hardy kid. Of course, it also could have something to do with the fact that, in my house, a sick day is not necessarily a fun day at home. Unless you've demonstrated that you're truly sick, i.e. barfing, fever, green snot, you stay in bed, in your room, the whole day. No TV, no computer, no cell phone to text friends, just you and your books. Wait, actually that sounds like paradise to me, but not to my tween daughter. This policy is to discourage those "Ferris Bueller" days, those days she just "doesn't feel like going to school." Fortunately for her, those days are few and far between.
Rowan at 06:00 AM in Discipline, Health, Rowan | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
We've just made the decision to send Leah to sleep-away camp this summer. She'll be thirteen when she goes, and her bags are packed and ready to go right now. I don't think it's possible for her to be more excited. My husband started to go to camp at about this age, he went for years, he was even a camp counselor during his summer breaks in college. In fact, I remember driving up to his camp on parent's visiting day, the one day I got to see him for a whole summer.
Rowan at 06:00 AM in Rowan | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
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