My teenage son is in full blown puberty – it freaks me out. His voice is changing, he wears an athletic cup, and I think I have spotted a slight mustache. Poor guy- with a house full of girls, he is constantly the brunt of all of our jokes! He actually takes it very well when my 17 year old daughter tackles him to the ground to ‘investigate’ his moustache. She claims that it is prickly and then she texts all her friends informing them of her brother’s moustache, as if they really care. My poor son. Dealing with all the girls and all of their PMS issues and talk of bras must drive him insane.
He's a good kid, his friends are a little weird though. I caught one of them looking at my pile of laundry on the table and when he spotted a lacy bra I think he drooled a little bit. Creepy no?
I don't have the intimate talks with my son like I do with my daughters- but that's OK because I also don't have the ridiculous drama that comes from the girls.
Sometimes boys are just easier… Gross, but easier.
Posted by Mariah
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