Rebekah has had friends visiting this week, sisters from out of town. A week-long sleepover party!!!
I am very, very, very tired.
It's not so much that they want drives when I would normally be in bed. (Drives which I can give because we are renting a car this week. Dammit.) Not that.
It's not even that, when you show up in said rental car, only one of them is there, the other two having had some inexplicable but entirely irressistable brain fart and are now IN ANOTHER PROVINCE.
(Okay, so the "other province" is Quebec, a mere two km away, easily accessible by city busses. Point is, they were supposed to be HERE, at this time, and now they're THERE, and won't end up at the house for another hour and a half. And I, because of that damnable Momma Clock, will be awake until that happens.)
I will hereby note for the record that the teen who was WHERE she said she'd be WHEN she said she'd be there was MINE. Yes, this makes me feel a little smug. You would, too, I'm betting.
No, it's not that stuff... though none of it was especially helpful in my quest for a Full Night's Sleep.
No, it's the activity. Even when they're quiet -- and to their credit, they are -- they move around, doors open and close, water runs, toilets flush, there are footsteps in the hall, odors from the kitchen (at 2 am), muted giggles (all night long). Strangely, I just don't sleep as well when all that's going on.
And then when I come downstairs and discover (for the second morning in a row) the detritus from their midnight snacking all over the counters? I'm tired all over again. Popcorn bags, pots, bowls, spoons, cups litter the stovetop, sink and counters. Pasta sauce is smeared here, parmesan cheese is scattered there.
The first morning, I cleaned all that up. Stupid, I know. I was tired. Of course, I paid the price for my laziness. You all knew I would, didn't you? I mean, it's so predictable. Kind of dopey the way I can do this to myself. I know -- we all know, through bitter experience repeated endlessly down through the years -- that if I let something slide once, it'll only happen again. If it bothered me once, it's only going to bug me more when it happens again. And it WILL happen again, because I didn't stop it the first time!
I know this. Yet still I cleaned it up that first morning.
So of course, the kitchen was a mess again this morning. Duh. And of course, I was tired all over again... but this time, I was also Fed Up. The selfishness of teens is really quite astounding. Could you imagine yourself as a houseguest and trashing someone's kitchen overnight? I can't. Can't IMAGINE doing it. Never, ever, not once in a million years. Never mind nightly for a week.
(And no, they didn't get away with it nightly for a week. But we all know they WOULD have, if I hadn't gone all mom on their oblivious asses.)
Five minutes later, they're downstairs cleaning up. Without complaint because really, they are good kids. Ten minutes after that, they're on their way back to bed. (Good kids, and efficient.) Bed, where they will stay until, oh, two in the afternoon. Sleep and sleep and sleep. All day long. (How can they DO that? Don't they MISS sunlight?? If it didn't give me hours and hours of lovely peace and quiet, I'd wake them up and MAKE them be diurnal. But why would I do that to myself?)
So, now that I'm done telling you all about this, I think I'll just go sit on the porch in the early morning sunlight, and enjoy my quiet, grown-up cup of tea... and dream of Sunday, when they all go home, when I, too, shall sleep and sleep and sleep.
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