Rosie just started her junior year of high school, 11th grade. In some countries, this is the last year of high school, but in the US, we have 2 more to go (including this one).
But she's already freaking out over where to go to college, but even more so over her classes this year.
To start with she didn't get the Ceramics teacher that she wanted (and had had the last 2 years). She got the mean one. Who everyone else is transferring out of the class. And she was supposed to TA (teaching assist) for this woman. So she tried to switch her amth class with her ceramics class- because that was the best blaock of classes to switch into the good teacher's class- but the honors math class was all filled up there- and Rosie was actually the 2nd person on the wait list for that class.
Then, she was freaking out that she didn't understand her Honors Biology and it was going to be too much memorization, and.... So I got her to go talk to the teacher- who basically said, if you think that this is hard now, you'd better drop down to college prep Bio.
So Rosie is then freaking out because she's dropping one of her honors classes and she has friends who are taking 4 of them, and she's never going to get into a good university ..... etc....
And then because she's freaking out, she is having trouble falling asleep. So a few nights of giving her Benadryl (and it not working), she starts crawling into bed with me. Which wouldn't be a problem except that the first few nights she tried this, she kept getting up to go back to her bed- and then coming back a few hours later... So I was very tired- and she wasn't getting a lot of sleep either. Now she's just coming to my bed for the night. After all of her switches get taken care, I think (hope) that she'll calm down and I'll edge her out again.
And then there was going to 4 bookstores to get a book assigned for her English class. All of the local ones were sold out! But she's doing her homework now, and I jsut get to guess what the next trauma will be.
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