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March 23, 2011


I love this post! We are Harry Potter fans here, too, and it's wonderful to find other parents who are as into it as are their kids. I am also glad -okay, ecstatic - to know that y'all are as into the books as the films. No film as ever been as great as its book, but HP comes pretty darn close. I am so desperately sorry for any child whose parents have forbidden Harry Potter. How much would you want to bet that those families have Disney on their shelves. . . . . Well, I digress. I do that a lot. Thank you for sharing your HP obsession with me, for I am possibly the biggest, and oldest, fan in the world.

Mamacita, I am glad to meet another Harry Potter fan!

Nice! And every time I come here I stop dead, are those really your daughter's names? I don't use my girls real names in my blog, but I'll let you guess why I always stop when I read your girls names. Great taste! Lol....

Give The world full of loves! The Great Loves will be giving back to Human!

Thanks, Leanne

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