My Davey's voice has broken
over the last few weeks. It seems to have settled into new, deep tones
now, with unexpected squeaks just a funny memory. Davey's had to shave
his top lip for the last 6 months or so - if he was fair haired, this
wouldn't be necessary, but a black top lip on an otherwise soft and
hair free face was just asking for ridicule! His clothes have taken to
being difficult to clean, because teenage sweat is so much more potent
and so much more resistant to leaving shirts once it's embedded, and while
I'd hoped I wouldn't be
on the receiving end of attitude from Davey until he was 16, I'm on the
first edges of it now he's 14.5 and his body clock is moving from
childhood to puberty.
When my children were babies, toddlers, then children, I loved every
stage and felt I'd like to freeze them at each new and delightful
phase. I do not feel the same way about the teenage attitude years -
funny that, huh? There's simply nothing to recommend it. My sensitive
boy who loves his Mum and is aware of others and their needs is
evolving into a young man, and the process isn't easy on anyone - least
of all him.
Em's attitude started just before 12, when um, physical development
dictated she progress from childhood to the fun of puberty. Now Em's
moving close to 17, she's through the worst of it thank goodness. I
can't say I've enjoyed every moment of the 5 years it's taken to come
through the attitude jungle. There's been highlights, sure, but would
I want her frozen in the tangle of angst she's waded through? NO WAY!
Now, just as there's light through the canopy and sweeter smells in my
laundry (girls are no easier than boys in this department!), my little
boy is entering the other side.
I'm grateful to have only one teenager in the angst jungle at a time,
and I'm grateful my husband insisted we stop at 2 children (especially
since he up and died before they reached their teenage years), I'm
grateful both Davey & Em have personalities I really like and am
proud of, I am grateful I can watch movies with M rating with both
teenagers now, but I am NOT grateful the jungle of angst exists and I
sure as heck don't want to freeze my teenagers at this age!
I really liked receiving answers that were given in formed words and
sentences rather than nuanced grunts, I really liked having my opinion
valued and sought, I really liked having my morning hug in the kitchen
greeted with a happy grin and a soft child's body which welcomed the embrace and softly leaned
into me....ah well. I best be off now. I need to gather my inner
resources so I have an even chance of surviving another few years of
the angst jungle.
Grunts? You're getting grunts? Well, that's something.
Posted by: Daisy | November 25, 2009 at 08:19 PM