My daughter has been going out for the past 2 years with her boyfriend. I can't say I ever loved the guy, although he did grow on me in the past year and I tried to make him feel welcome in our house and with our family despite the fact that he was certainly not what I imagined for my daughter. I did a lot of swallowing my words and keeping my opinions to myself, something that is hard for me to do. But I did it for 2 years.
My daughter came downstairs this morning to tell me she broke up with BF this morning. I can't say I wasn't surprised seeing as all they have done for the past couple of months is fight. I asked the appropriate questions, and I offered a hug but she wasn't upset, At all. She let this relationship die out to the absolute last breath, and I think all she feels now is relief.
My girl isn't the easiest person to get along with much of the time. I have often taken pity on her BF because when she gets mad, watch out. She's just plain mean, and she's impossible to argue with. she reminds me of those women on Jerry Springer screaming blood murder. Hey, I live with her and I get my share of her wrath and it isn't pretty.
Today, however, she's calm. Dead calm. She seems like she's had a weight lifted off of her. I think that she wants to do well this year in school and her BF just didn't understand her wanting to push herself. He doesn't do much homework and he's not really interested in going to a regular college, so he calls and IMs her all night long and she can't do her homework. It was really getting to her. Today she sat down and did a bunch of homework without any interruptions, This is good.
I think we'll have a week or two of up and down moods, but if she keeps to her word, she is going to be much better off without him,
I'm incredibly proud of her for wanting to take care of herself over her boyfriend's demands. She couldn't have stood up to him last year, and her grades suffered for it. But she's grown so much in the past few month, and she's matured into such a delightful woman that taking care of herself and her future is finally her top priority.
Kudos to the Girl.